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Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

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Men of Middenheim Complete

Tutoring 3
Skill 9
Idea 9
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I have been tinkering away when the opportunity arose over the last couple of weeks making incremental progress on the men of Middenheim. Nothing that was individually a major progression point so didn’t want to update the project until they were tabletop ready. Which is where, for my purposes, they are presently residing. Plenty more I could do to them to bring them up another level, and have actually been struggling not to start, but they pass the three colour rule and the three foot test so will park them at this point.


Men of Middenheim Complete

The above gives me a Warrior Priest to accompany each of the infantry hand to hand units, plus a spare to add to the Teutogen Guard when I get them sorted. Markus Wulfhart will accompany the archers and the Captain will just hang about wherever he is needed.

Next step will be 3 blocks of 10 White Wolf cavalry, each consisting of 6 standard knights, and a command group of three. Each unit will have one character accompanying, either the Grandmaster of the White Wolf or one of two mounted Priests of Ulric.

From here, I’ll look to add a couple of packs of warhounds (Need to do an order to Warlord…), the aforementioned Teutogen Guard (Need to do an order to Norba) add a wizard (couldn’t find one that looked rustic enough so waiting on the Frostgrave Wizards kit to be available locally…) and a battle standard bearer (recent test games have impressed upon me how important these actually are in game – have a spare Greatsword standard bearer so that may end up doing the trick). So everything else is pretty much paused until I have sufficient need to place an order to the relevant companies…

Had originally thought it would be fun to convert up a unit of mercenary ogres to accompany the army but then I remembered I already had an army of converted to fit with the Empire force of ogres in blue and white livery so will maybe seek to upgrade their paint job instead of reinventing the wheel…

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rayzryr Recent comment authors
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Brilliant work @evilstu quite inspirational really!
From the pictures it looks to me that you’ve done the “right” amount of work. The minis look great, without beating yourself up trying to super-detail all of them.

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