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Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

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Cry Havoc...

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 7

Heading through peak period at work presently (July and August will be a write-off as far as hobby progress goes in all likelihood, but don’t worry I’m lucky in that I genuinely like my job so all good 🙂 ) so haven’t gotten as much achieved as I might have otherwise hoped. Having said that, using the army painter method apparently you can roll out a 100 mini army (okay, 99 mini army… haven’t done a wizard or paymaster yet…) in little to no time (Conservative estimate 25 hours although was probably closer to 20…).

Cry Havoc...
Cry Havoc...

Core of a Dogs of war force. 2x units of 5 cavalry (Fireforge Mounted Sergeants, with standards and musicians), one with spears and the other with bows (taken from the Perry agincourt box), 2x blocks of 20 foot (pike with some hand weapon units mixed in plus command), 2x 12 crossbowmen and 2x 12 handgunners. The foot were predominantly sourced from the excellent Perry ‘Mercenaries’ box with some kitbashing involved. The mounted general was a D&D mini who was too out of scale to sit with the Bretonnian force. As alluded to above, still need to paint a wizard (I now have a box of the Frostgrave Wizards kit so one in progress there, plus another for my Middenheim army) plus a paymaster (I’m sure I have the mini I want to use for it stored somewhere logical…).

Cry Havoc...
Cry Havoc...

Speaking of dogs (Bam! Segue, all professional like…) 2 units of Hunting Hounds with hunt masters (the remaining 2 of the Fireforge mounted Sergeants form the Fireforge box) for my Middenheim/Cult of Ulric force. The dogs were from Warlord and really quick to paint up. Should add a bit of tactical flexibility to the force hopefully. I find fielding fast cavalry helps to create the false illusion of tactical competence as far as my generalship is concerned…

Cry Havoc...

Finally a WIP shot of a test unit of pirates, using a combination of Warlord Pike & Shotte infantry and the Northstar/Frostgrave GA Crewman box set. Quite enjoying these guys so think I will push on with the project.

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evilsturayzryrRobert Recent comment authors
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Great job.


Great looking force Stu!
The Army Painter method really is effective for this kind of army.

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