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2019 Hobby Resolution

2019 Hobby Resolution

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Oooo New Legion Core Set and Fantasy

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Since Pathfinder 2 has come out I seem to be playing more fantasy, so first off some birds, frogs, rats, wolves, and an orc.  Mostly done with contrast paints, still learning what I can do with them. 🙂

Next up Grievous and his B1 Battle Droids, this is the core box +1 expansion to make my separatist army legal with 3 troop choices.   Grievous is done traditionally with airbrush gun metal, airbrush black wash, zenith air brush silver.  Cloak is black with grey highlights and on the inside of the cloak is done with the same metallic work done with the rest of his body, but the GW red glaze over the top, the light saber is same with blue glaze.  The B1 Battle Droids are simply skeleton hoard contrast paint and black, with gunmetal dry brush on weapons.

New miniatures: 50

Total: 189

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