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2019 Hobby Resolution

2019 Hobby Resolution

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Project Blog by johnsocp Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 85

About the Project

So I have made a hobby resolution this year. I am going to finish 365 miniatures this year. I am going to use this project to show my progress. Since I have so may projects in some state of completion I will be counting miniatures that have already been started, as my goal is to finish 365 miniatures, and using some easy wins early on allows me to feel I am ahead of the game. The larger projects like Legion and Fallout will go to their own projects for descriptions of what I did, this project will be a collection and a counter.

This Project is Completed

First Mini of 2019 Done

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 7
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First Mini of 2019 Done

I am sooo a professional painter now!!!  A friend won two miniatures at a charity raffle and I thought one was cool and she wanted the other.  She was willing to just give me the other, but I told her I’d paint the one she wanted.

No I am not taking commissions, I am not that good.  Part of this exercise is to practice painting.

I will probably paint the con crud she gave me sometime later this year.


Count: 1 of 365

Side Jobs

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Side Jobs

So I was running a game and needed some miniatures for the game.  So I painted up my Gamorians, the Ysoki and Buba McFett (Bobo Fett) for the game.

In addition since I was painting some other Starwars Imperial Assult miniatures I had the 4 Trandoshan miniatures primed on my painting table forever.  In addition I had a Shadows of Brimstone rat where I had painted it’s 11 partners, but I had lost the 12th, well I found it and it too has been added.

Miniatures finished 11

Count 12 of 365

First Easy Win

Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 5
First Easy Win

So I had 21 Legion Stormtroopers and Darth Vader whom had completed except basing and the saber lighting effect.  I am starting a Legion project so I will discuss these deeper there.

Miniatures 22

Count 34 of 365

44 More Done!

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 5
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44 More Done!

Well it has been a few weeks, but 44 more Legion miniatures are in the bag.  These were done from the ground up.  The E-Webs only count as one…no cheating this early in the year.  We can look at it later when I am hymning and hawing with a well technically and etc…but for now only 1.

Miniatures: 44

Count: 78 of 365

There is going to be a short

because my wife got me something for my birthday that just has to be built!

44 More Done!

Back after long break

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Welp, it has been a while.  While I have not been hobby free, I was involved in a computer programming project for GenCon, so very little painting.

The only thing I got finished over those months was a commission for a friend, that I forgot to picture finished out of the box, so here it is in the box.

Back after long break

Miniatures: 1

Total: 79 out of 365.

In the month since Gencon

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 3
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First it was time to try contrast paints.  So these spiders are solely a single contrast color.  While it works great, the basing with static grass makes the pieces more interesting than the spiders themselves.

SPIDER, He is our hero!SPIDER, He is our hero!

Next comes more imperials, cuz I have a bunch.  In this case for the snow troopers instead of going with a straight wash on the brown parts, I used contrast medium along with the Army Painter strong tone.  I need to play with mixing contrasts more, they seem to have too high surface tension, but I am worried that breaking that up with some soap will cause them to stop working properly.

Miniatures: 60

Total: 139 of 365

Oooo New Legion Core Set and Fantasy

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Since Pathfinder 2 has come out I seem to be playing more fantasy, so first off some birds, frogs, rats, wolves, and an orc.  Mostly done with contrast paints, still learning what I can do with them. 🙂

Next up Grievous and his B1 Battle Droids, this is the core box +1 expansion to make my separatist army legal with 3 troop choices.   Grievous is done traditionally with airbrush gun metal, airbrush black wash, zenith air brush silver.  Cloak is black with grey highlights and on the inside of the cloak is done with the same metallic work done with the rest of his body, but the GW red glaze over the top, the light saber is same with blue glaze.  The B1 Battle Droids are simply skeleton hoard contrast paint and black, with gunmetal dry brush on weapons.

New miniatures: 50

Total: 189

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