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Resolution 2019: Mythic Battles Pantheon

Resolution 2019: Mythic Battles Pantheon

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Project wrap up - photos and final thoughts

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Enceladus attacks Hephaestus's at the forgeEnceladus attacks Hephaestus's at the forge
Kronos and Prometheus stand off in the volcanoKronos and Prometheus stand off in the volcano
The heroes of Troy face Gaia in the garden of HesperidesThe heroes of Troy face Gaia in the garden of Hesperides
Hera and Dionysus do battle while Oedipus matches his wits against the Sphinx in the Lernean swampHera and Dionysus do battle while Oedipus matches his wits against the Sphinx in the Lernean swamp
Monsters and titans stand off on Polyphemus' islandMonsters and titans stand off on Polyphemus' island
Poseidon and creatures of the deep ambush heroes as they attempt to sail the Agean seaPoseidon and creatures of the deep ambush heroes as they attempt to sail the Agean sea
Four gods battle to free monsters from TartarusFour gods battle to free monsters from Tartarus
Three goddesses wage war over Olympus in ruinsThree goddesses wage war over Olympus in ruins
Pan and Hecate skirmish in Minos' labyrinthPan and Hecate skirmish in Minos' labyrinth
The gods of the sky fight for control of the Styx riverThe gods of the sky fight for control of the Styx river

That’s the entire project done with six weeks to spare. A few points I noticed:


  • Undercoating all the models at the start in their main colours allowed me to play games straight away, but sometimes when I came to paint a model I found I had not used the best undercoat colour. Over all I still think I was best undercoating early as the vast majority were painted an appropriate colour.
  • The clear bases work really well. You can see in the pictures above that even with the thick 4mm bases the artwork of the play areas are not obscured.
  • I very carefully measured the sizes of the bases but forgot to measure their thickness when ordering the clear bases. I ordered 4mm thick when I should have ordered 3mm. This wasn’t a big problem, but some of the models have to squeeze in to their storage space.

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Great work and a great resource for the community. Well done!

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