Army on parade
Dewbakle aftermath
Took FFG long enough to sort the bases 😉 So here are my first steps into the dewback.
Putting everything on the priming stick
Someone more wise than me once said:
“It’s not easy being green”
Yeah, painting such a large surface with pure Dark Angel Green really didn’t go that well.
Well, just add some layers more! We’re getting somewhere.
The belly got sand coloured and the Stormtrooper got his colours blocked in. After that: partial assembly. Next stop: details, highlights and washes.
Aaaand I hit a hobby road block…. couldn’t get my ass motivated very much so only just today I finished the Dewback and his rider. Washed it with a 50:50 mix of Agrax Earthshade and Lahmian Medium, let it dry and then a zenithal dry brush it with Goblin Green. Glue rider in place, make glory shots.
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