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Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

Star Wars RPG Campaign Setting (2019 & 2020) - Reactivated for May the 4th 2022 - Re-opened 2024

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The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Grieka Alpha and Grieka Beta (Complete)

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Note: Images created with some pages templates and content from deviant art, Pinterest and an internet search then modified in Photoshop CC2020.

The Correx Sector Gazetteer - Grieka Alpha and Grieka Beta (Complete)

The twin moons of Grieka Alpha and Grieka Beta share the same orbit around a barren world that in turn orbits a complicated quaternary star system; they are always bathed in sunlight, tide locked to one another, and are bound in a slow death spiral that will see the two moons collide sometime in the next thousand years. Due to their proximity, the twin’s atmospheres are now merging, and due to the gravity of Alpha being stronger, it is ripping the mountains from the surface of Beta. Seismic activity and meteorites are commonplace in regions where the worlds face each other, but for now, the outer faces are relatively safe. Due to the constant sunlight on Alpha, it is a warm and pleasant world that has developed an intensive agricultural industry focusing on luxury wines that are the toast of the Galactic Core.

The export of the wines has had a large financial return for Contessa Wioleta Kanto of House Kanto. Recently they have installed military-grade defence grid to shot down incoming meteors and drive off any would-be thieves and pirates. Under the former leader of House Kanto Count Vedmer Kanto until his death could trace his ancestry to Core World nobility and served until the collapse of the Republic on the sente.

Politically savvy and a gifted orator, Count Kanto was outspoken and critical of Imperial activities within the sector and weathered several attempts on his life. He is widely considered to be in league with the Rebel Alliance, but he is critical of them as well, citing the number of innocents killed in the destruction of the Star Destroyer Emperor’s Will while in the dock at Correx Nova. With the death of Count Kanto, the house is now under the stewardship of Contessa Wioleta Kanto, who has inherited much of her father’s traits.

She oversees House Kanto’s interests, operates out of the palace on Grieka Beta, located in the polar mountains just beyond the rim of the gravitational degradation. The slow destruction of Beta is not without benefits; as the crust is slowly torn apart, great seams of minerals are uncovered and while very dangerous, a flurry of mining activity has begun under Wioleta Kanto’s personal supervision.

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