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Starting a Sisters of Battle Army

Starting a Sisters of Battle Army

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Building and priming

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 6
Building and priming

Having built about half of the miniatures for the initial part of the project, I have started priming.  I use an automotive primer called Duplicolor Sandable Primer.  It is my go to primer for miniatures.  It gives a very smooth coat without clogging the detail of the miniature and is great in both the white and black colors.  I am still trying to figure out my color scheme.  I am thinking about doing the Order of The Thorn, which is a bone or Ivory colored armor and then Red and Black for the cloth.  The other option is to do a custom Order and go with a grey for the armor and a rich Blue or Purple for the cloth.  Any suggestions would be awesome and I will update and brief you all again once I have the rest built and/or I decide on a color scheme and do a test model.

This is not mine!  But this is the color scheme I am thinking about.This is not mine! But this is the color scheme I am thinking about.

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Cult of Games Member

Go with something different I like the grey and purple idea.

Cult of Games Member

I always liked white armour for Sisters. Probably because that’s the default colour scheme in Dawn of War.

Where did you get the main project image from by the way? The art piece is excellent.

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