With lots of home time on my hands I have been cracking on with finishing off wildfire to go with Defiance when it comes. This took my to my first “Alien” Infinity models, the Shasvastii. I have to say I thought the models were meh when looking at them. Contemplated ebay, but it looks like everyone done that and they are quite cheap. After looking at them properly and painting them my opinion has completely changed. Love the look of them and they are very fun to paint. I don’t think I cracked the “proper” scheme with the red I used supposed to be very pink in places. When I went pink I went to far and had to move it back couldn’t get the same balance. Still very pleased with the results.
You are blazing a trail I shall hope to follow. Right now I’m just getting stuck in to Icestorm. I have so far to go…
Yeah quite pleased with the overall Progress. Still have 4 Aristeia models to paint so far behind you on those. They are a last resort, don’t think I like them (you were right about the quality). Sadly, I love the game. So might need to put my passion where my brush is to get through it. I have Code One on order so cant wait for that as well. Though the actual winter themed models are making me a little awkward. I am thinking I will do a “The Thing” style basing on them because I want them inside and… Read more »
Now that I’ve painted CB’s metal minis (although only as of yesterday) I think I would go back and get the collectors set of Aristeia! with the all metal minis. That would, of course, curtail my ability to buy expansions until they release alternative skins but, given my tendencies, that would be no bad thing.
As to the basing, I am definitely onboard with that idea. It’s always jarred me a bit to see the basing scheme often used for Ariadna forces and the winter basing I’ve seen for Kaldstrom, while excellently executed, raises similar feelings for me.