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Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

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Day 7...

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Day 3 of painting Loader – Finishing touches

Day 7...

Time to wrap this bot up (for now anyway)

Edge highlights were added to the green using a mix of Reaper MSP Dungeon Slime and Vallejo Model Color yellow green

Purple edges were finished with MIG Ammo Purple

Grey edges finished up with Reaper MSP Foggy Grey


Tires and gun were finished with Secret Weapon Rubber and rubber highlight


Visor was first based in vallejo extra opaque heavy red, then highlighted with model colour magenta, and a small amount of Arctic Mist blended in for a bright point.

Basecoat, Highlight, Edge highlightsBasecoat, Highlight, Edge highlights

Considering the time spent on him, I’m really proud of what I have accomplished.  I still have the base to texture, and also weathering/rust to be added, but this guy rocks IMO




…. 1 down, 4 to go, then the big bot

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