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Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

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Day 11...

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Day 1 of Bot #3 – Roller


So today is basecoat day.  I began by touching up the airbrushed green basecoat with P3 Wurm Green, there’s also a few spots where the models pose or limbs meant the airbrush couldn’t quite reach so going back in with a hairy brush is almost always a necessity.

Next up, it’s blocking in the grey.  I really do like the Vallejo Game Colour Extra Opaque range for applying a totally different colour over the original basecoat, the coverage is great, it’s smooth to apply, and the slightly satin finish is fine for me to work up from.

These bots need a good contrasting colour to the green and in 80s in your face fashion this is delivered via MIG Ammo Indigo.  I came across both this and the highlight Purple when I was doing a custom paint job on a gunpla kit for a Twitch competition. This range of range is perfect for airbrushing, but applies great with a traditional brush as well. Like the Vallejo Game Colour Extra Opaque these apply very easily and very smooth.


Tyres and some of the other details have been blackened with vallejo model colour black before getting a basecoat of Secret Weapon Tyre Black. This has a slight blue tint which works so well for building up black details.


This bot had some small glass. Details on its feet (these would be door windows in its vehicular form) so they along with the eyes were given a basecoat of Vallejo GC extra opaque heavy red as this gives a nice base to work up into magenta layer on.


These bots haven’t had any metallic paints used, and I haven’t been interested in doing NMM (remember only 31 minutes a day) and wanted to explore working straight into heavily weathered looking metal details.  As with the tracks on the previous bit this started off my taking it back to black, then giving it a coat of vallejo extra opaque heavy sienna, a great rusty basecoat to work up from.


And that’s it. Times up for day 11.

Day 11...

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