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Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

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Day 16....

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Digger Done!

Day 16....

Over the halfway hump, and 4th Bot is done. Tried to bring on more glazed shading on the bucket to mimic the chest on Loader (1st bot).


Still struggled to get a good shot of this bot, will do a proper photo shoot at the end as a green bot on a green background wasn’t the best.

Tomorrow I will start the 5yh and final Builder, who is slightly larger and has pretty crisp details, may stretch him out over 4 days to make the most of it.



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4 bots down4 bots down

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darkvoivod Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Lovely stuff. Such awesome models and they look so nice to paint with the bright 80’s colours. Well done

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