Build an LED Arch Hobby Light
And I name thee... HALO
So I’m going to let the rough prototype sit with me for a few weeks now to let it grow on me and give me a chance to use it to see what changes I need to make to a new iteration.
As I said it has no handy switch so the easiest option for me is to integrate it into a smart home setup (I use Google Assistant at home, while the studio has started implementing an Alexa setup for star trek style video drop-ins and a fancy video doorbell)
So I will implement the light into my setup using a TPLink Kasa smart plug.
So it needs a name to beable to interact with it. I have chosen… HALO… yup this is my Hobby Halo Light! 🙂
Now to control the light all I have to do is say…
OK Google, Turn On Halo.
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