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Down to the Wire

Tutoring 12
Skill 15
Idea 15
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Some of the scenarios in the Pegasus Bridge box set call for barbed wire barricades. You don’t get any in the box so I decided to scratch build some with a little help from Mel the Terrain Tutor. I mostly followed his tutorial with a few twists of my own.

First I cut a few 100x25mm bases from 3mm expanded pvc from green stuff world and bevelled the edges. Tile spacers were glued down about 2cm apart. Then to give a bit of texture to the base and to add some weight, I mixed up some PolyFilla with water, PVA glue, sand and some larger rocks – smeared this down and let it set.

Down to the Wire

Next up everything was painted artists acrylic burnt umber and dry brushed AP Monster Brown and Skelly bone and washed with a mix of black, burnt umber, lots of water and a few drops of flow aid.

To flock I put very slightly watered down pva in patchy blotches and sprinkled on just a little light green flock then covered the rest with a mid green. Both from Javis is think. When dry I sealed it with watered down pva and a few drops of isopropyl alcohol. Finally more pva over the flock and then a 50/50 blend of green and dark green 2mm static grass (GF9)

Before and after flockingBefore and after flocking

Finally the barbed wire itself. This was security seal wire dipped in black and brown wash as described by Mel here.

Pro tip: I found that if you run the wire through some fine sandpaper before dipping it gives a better surface for the paint to stick to and produces a much better result.

Finally for rust i used a mix medium red oxide and light orange oxide pigment powders from GSW mixed with some pigment fixer and painted on. The result was a little bright for my taste so i brought it down with a dab of Strong Tone.

PVA the wire to the base and we’re done

Down to the Wire
Down to the Wire

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