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Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

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Type 98 20mm Anti-aircraft gun... Mixed emotions

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Type 98 20mm Anti-aircraft gun... Mixed emotions

Didn’t enjoy building this.

This metal model was Ok to clean up and prepare but the instructions were very inexact. You were required to attach the two recoil legs at the rear to the central core… But you couldn’t really do that without gluing the cross beam that connects the legs at the same time. This wouldn’t have been that awkward, but to up the difficulty the central core of the gun platform is not resting on the floor so everything had to be supported underneath, at hopefully the right height, for everything to marry up. Even with activator spray this proved tough.

There was also the fun of getting the arm cranking a wheel on the gun to be correctly angled on the body of the gunner, whilst him needing to be sat on a seat that attached separately. I didn’t do a good job of this and needed to fill in a gap in the gunner’s left arm at the shoulder join point. It’s a bad fill job by me, but I have tried to photo from angles where it isn’t that obvious.

The base in the box wasn’t big enough for it to take the total footprint of the gun, so I improvised an extension with a 20×50 base and used glue plus the basing of big stones across the join to get it together.

For most of my other gun teams I just glue them to the base. If I need to show wounds I can just hang red loon bands around their heads so I know they are under strength. This time I figured I will have one removable mini and two permanent. The likelihood is that the enemy will either focus the gun immediately and destroy it, or they will ignore it and only shoot it as a last resort if nothing more threatening is in range. With that in mind I wasn’t interested in putting the extra basing consideration that it may have taken to get the last standing crewman to be separate as well.

Used the basic paint scheme. The Vallejo Japanese uniform colour for the shirts and trousers with Morghast Bone for the belts and webbing. Vallejo flat brown for canteens and the boots this time.

The gun was an experiment I am happy with. Deathguard Green base with a Cryptek Armourshade Gloss shade over the top. Came out a nice military hardware green brown.


Type 98 20mm Anti-aircraft gun... Mixed emotions

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