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Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near!  - Volsunga Saga

Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near! - Volsunga Saga

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Boring Preparatory Work Also Known as Zen Time.

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 11
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Hi everyone,

I only had time to do some preparatory work today, but at least I have everything ready to paint up for the weekend.  I just have to choose what to paint.

The first work I did was to prime the giant and add sand and gravel to the bases of the giant and the warlord.  When the sand and gravel dried I also primed these too.

Ready to paint up.Ready to paint up.

The next unit I worked on were the hearth guard.  I cleaned them up, glued them to their bases, pinned the shields on and added sand and gravel to the bases. Then I primed them up.

The two models with axes were supposed to have spears, but I wanted all my hearth guard to have hand weapons.  So I found two old Grenadier elven axes and I cut them up to look like Viking axes and glued them on.

These will be my third Hearthgurd unit.These will be my third Hearthgurd unit.

While I had my prep groove on, I fixed a problem with two of my Viking women warriors.  These two had different sized spears which really annoyed me.  So I decided to correct the length.

The spears are closer to the same height.The spears are closer to the same height.

The last model I started to work on is the standard bearer.  I don’t have anymore Vikings holding spears, so I took an old Citadel Norman model and an extra Viking model in order to convert them.  I did not have time to do much, but I will do some more work over the weekend.

The body will be the Norman and the head of the Viking.The body will be the Norman and the head of the Viking.

That’s all for this week.  I will post again some time next week – probably Tuesday. Until then, stay safe and have fun.



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