Grasshoppers and Elephants
Time to make some scenery
I picked up the trees at salute a few years back they have been used in my 15mm, 20mm and now 28mm nam projects. The scrubby bushes are made from a chopped up door mat with some bits of rock and aquarium plants stuck to it.
These cast resin buildings are from grubby tanks 20mm range but i think they fit ok with the 28mm figures and work well for what i need them for.
they have some cool details like corrugated metal sheets poking through holes in the thatch.
the roofs are not stuck down so you can place models inside during a game.
I wanted to make some modular field sections so large areas of the table can be covered in them.
these came out a bit on the small side as huge areas would be covered in these wet and muddy fields with hard mud packed raised paths that would provide a small ammount of cover if you got down into the mud.
they are made from a chopped up rug with milliput sides covered in pva glue and sand.
different sticky flocks and tufts as well as bits of aquarium plants have been added for the crops i was going to add some plastic rice plants but decided against it as it would make it difficult to place minis during a game.
This is a cast resin bunker again from grubby tanks.
i added bits of plant and grass to help the bunker blend into the environment on the table.
the roof is removable making it easier to move minis around in game.
you could also place the bunker on the table with the roof off and use it as a fortefied position for a morter
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