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CRC's Crazy Compendium 2; Eclectic Boogaloo

CRC's Crazy Compendium 2; Eclectic Boogaloo

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You can't get to Chaplain levels of angry without training, you know.

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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It’s another Marine, but he is what I had primed and I just wanted to paint something. I don’t remember which special edition mini this is (I have Sergeant Jovian in my head, but that might not be right), but I decided a while ago that I was going to paint him as a trainee Chaplain and use him as a Lieutenant in games, though I already have a LOT of them lying around… Anyway, it’s just the main mini for now because I never got around to priming the dead ork on the base, so that’ll have to wait for later.

I tried to create a First Nations skin tone for the chap, though I'm not sure if I got it quite right. I haven't decided yet if it's a bit too brown in tone, but it's a good approximation considering this is supposed to be a long way in the future.I tried to create a First Nations skin tone for the chap, though I'm not sure if I got it quite right. I haven't decided yet if it's a bit too brown in tone, but it's a good approximation considering this is supposed to be a long way in the future.

Specifically, I was going for a Haudensaunee look (Iroquois for those who aren’t aware of their own name for themselves) which is why I picked purple and white for the heraldry colours. I was going to try and do a whole shin guard in purple with the white symbol on the Haudensaunee Confederacy flag, but free-handing squares is a pain and the purple just didn’t stand out enough from the blue, so I improvised a bit. The knee pad is reverse colours of the flag with just the central ‘fire’ symbol shown.

The black arm and helmet is the symbolic mark of someone chosen as a trainee Chaplain (they do have a specific name, but I don't remember it), but I decided a bit of a red design would stand out nicely on the pad and even went for a slash mark across the eye, though from the damage his helmet has taken in the fight he may have picked to wrong eye. I'm blaming the mini and not the fact that I didn't want to paint it over the sculpted battle damage. That sculpted damage was a pain...The black arm and helmet is the symbolic mark of someone chosen as a trainee Chaplain (they do have a specific name, but I don't remember it), but I decided a bit of a red design would stand out nicely on the pad and even went for a slash mark across the eye, though from the damage his helmet has taken in the fight he may have picked to wrong eye. I'm blaming the mini and not the fact that I didn't want to paint it over the sculpted battle damage. That sculpted damage was a pain...
I might have to fix the Chapter Badge here, because it really isn't straight...but if I do that I'll have to modify the badge to fit over the battle damage...which is annoying. We'll have to see if I feel like it...but the thing being off centre is starting to bother me already...I might have to fix the Chapter Badge here, because it really isn't straight...but if I do that I'll have to modify the badge to fit over the battle damage...which is annoying. We'll have to see if I feel like it...but the thing being off centre is starting to bother me already...
And the traditional Lloyd Shot. I think I might have to run some darker paint into the larger dents across the mini as well, so he's pretty much done, but there's some things I might add before I finish the base and declare him 'finished', but we'll see.And the traditional Lloyd Shot. I think I might have to run some darker paint into the larger dents across the mini as well, so he's pretty much done, but there's some things I might add before I finish the base and declare him 'finished', but we'll see.

So other than those possible changes and tweaks, he’s done except for the base. Not sure what to do with the ork, to be honest, but I might try and make him a bit fun and bright just to counter some of the darker tones I have on the main mini, but we’ll have to see what I come up with.

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