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Star Trek: Fistful of Dilithium - The Covid Nebula Campaign

Star Trek: Fistful of Dilithium - The Covid Nebula Campaign

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Episode 5 - Tomb Raiders

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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Battle Report

Episode 5 - Tomb Raiders

The holdings of the House of KosQ have dwindled significantly since their halcyon days of Gowron’s Civil War. Though their resources are stretched ever thinner with each passing year, they still maintain stewardship of several ancient sacred sites of the Empire.

The klaxon reared to life, a dizzying array amber lights flashing in accompaniment. Kursh slammed a fist against the reset button. Avians, he thought. Now even our sensors are as frayed and derelict as our long tattered tales of glory. A moment of silence passed, and again the klaxon screamed to life, followed by another, and another. Kursh worked his console frantically. His old hands danced across the panel with the vigor of a warrior half his age.

There. 900 kellicams and closing fast. Cloaked, but poorly. No Romulan cloaking device would be so easily surpassed. Kursh glided across the Engineering deck, his arms flicking out at panels, consoles, and buttons with the speed of a Rigelian Viper, and the calm practiced grace of a Vulcan Ballet.

Kursh son of Durg, Master Of The House Fleet – such as it was – spat on the ground as the re-calibrated sensor readings began to scroll across the screen. Pirates.

The grizzled engineer jabbed his thumb into the comms panel like it was the eye-socket of an enemy.  “This is Kursh. Wake the Master.”

Episode 5 - Tomb Raiders

Things started out OK for the Orions, but then at the top of round 2, KosQ the Dahar Master, Lord of the House beamed in accompanied by a warrior and the House’s Master of Stables with 3 attack targs.

The Pirates kept up the pressure though, and despite the distractions were able to hack the Klingon computers and bring down the magnetic shields preventing their financiers from beaming in. Colonel Tomak of the Tal Shi’ar arrived shortly after with a cadre of operatives. Lady K’Lor, Daughter of KosQ immediately cleft the Romulan Intelligence office in twain, before being brought down in a deluge of disruptor fire.

In the end the Klingon forces of the House of KosQ quickly overwhelmed the trespassers, and the remaining Romulans beamed away to safety.

Much glory was found this day! The Holdings of the House are secure, for now.

Episode 5 - Tomb Raiders
Episode 5 - Tomb Raiders

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