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Robin paints Genestealer Cults

Robin paints Genestealer Cults

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Beginning painting the Sanctus; fine detail is the worst.

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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I started by painting Mournfang brown on the cloak and the (what I decided was) statue on the ground.

I use a fridge magnet bottle opener with blue tac as my model holder; weird flex but I like how I can put it on an radiator when I’m waiting for stuff to dry!

Then using quite a fine detail brush mixing brown and orange together with water and layering the mix gradually more orange to brown on the raised bits of the cloak. Too often in the past I slap on agrax earthshade. This time using a piece of kitchen roll when I loaded up the brush I soaked most away and was able to lightly brush on the shade in the recesses.

I then used masking tape and a scalpel and made a zig zag all around the end of the cloak. I painted the end black then dry brushed ultramarine blue and then electric blue. After this dried I took off the masking tape and put dots with a SUPER FINE DETAIL (it’s so small it’s nerve wracking) brush of white at the peaks and troughs of the zig zag. Then super slowly I put a line of white in between each dot. Finally with a slightly watered down white I put in my lightning bolts to give the impression of the final version you see. I’ve seen something similar on Tau Stealth suits and Space Marine Eliminators. The hopeful idea is that it looks like a digital camp is about to happen!

I also painted the legs black and skin and painted the little guy in the background nurgle green!

I painted his skin by painting a darkish red then dry brushing a pink skin tone, then a dry brush of pink skin mixed with white.

Camo CloakCamo Cloak

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