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Robin paints Genestealer Cults

Robin paints Genestealer Cults

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Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Continuing on with painting this fella I’ve began to work on some of the detail.

Adding blue/ black mix with layers gradually increasing the amount of blue/ Russ grey in the highlights of the trousers.

Painting the lens of his headgear; if I paint a glass lens of a colour I paint it the (what I would call the mid tone) colour I want. I then paint a darker shade leaving just an edge on the bottom right of the original mid tone. Then black leaving a larger portion of the bottom right (showing two layers of colour getting gradually dark). Then using my SFD (super fine detail) brush I add white once it’s all dried to give the impression of reflection or as someone who works as a photographer “catch light”. Basically a couple of dots of white. This was done on the little guy too!

I painted the ground a mix of mournfang and black then dry brushed with bleached bone. I painted the statue elements with a dry brush of bleached bone then a wash of Agra’s earth shade and then a dry brush near the top with goblin green. I wanted to give the impression of moss or abit of mould.

I painted the dagger with the idea in mind of it colour changing. I don’t know if I was effective but I dry brushed green and purple and blue in stages then highlighted with white to blend it in!


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