The Talos! Stunning New Artisan Series Miniature For Conquest

May 16, 2024 by brennon

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Para Bellum Games surprised folks with a brand new Artisan Series miniature for use in Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings, their 35mm Fantasy wargame. See what you make of the majestic Talos sculpted by Michael Kontraros for the City States.

Artisan Series Talos - Conquest

Artisan Series Talos // Conquest

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The new Talos is available for pre-order now and will be released in late June. The idea behind the Artisan Series is to produce a stunning alternative miniature for the range, in this case the Talos, for painters and wargamers who want to show off.

Artisan Series Talos (Rear) - Conquest

Artisan Series Talos (Rear) // Conquest

The Talos are gigantic warriors that act as guardians for the City States. They have formed a close bond with the people of these cities and also shared their secrets from long ages spent wandering the world of Ea. It's like the Colossus Of Rhodes decided to step up and start actually protecting the city (maybe with the addition of some funky Ghostbusters-style goo?).

Artisan Series Talos (Details) - Conquest

Artisan Series Talos (Details) // Conquest

In battle, the Talos are used as frontline combatants but also stout defenders depending on the type of giant you bring to the tabletop. In this case, we see the absolutely stunning fusion of Fantasy and science that you get with the City States wrought in resin. It's a brilliant way of making the City States feel that little bit different from other Greek-themed armies in other tabletop games.

Artisan Series Talos Alternative Head & Shield - Conquest

Artisan Series Talos - Alternative Head & Shield // Conquest

If you're someone who likes the City States then you might want to consider picking up this Artisan Series miniature. A hobby project like this isn't for the faint-hearted but this could be a fun experience for someone who hasn't got one of these in the past. It's certainly gorgeous enough!

What do you make of the Artisan Series Talos?

"The Talos are gigantic warriors that act as guardians for the City States..."

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