All New Stormcast Eternals Miniatures For Age Of Sigmar!

May 17, 2024 by brennon

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Games Workshop this week revealed all of the brand new Stormcast Eternals miniatures coming to the new edition of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. The new Skaventide Launch Box is on the horizon and there are some lovely new miniatures for the forces of Order in this set.

Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

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Leading the way is the Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker who will be in charge of both the Warrior and Ruination Chambers battling it out on the tabletop against the Skaven menace. He rides on the back of a Gryph-stalker which is a great "grimdark" addition to the range and helps to capture the overall theme of the new boxed set and the new edition, especially when it comes to the Stormcast Eternals.

Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker (Details) // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Perhaps blessed by Morrda, a death god, the Lord-Vigilant is there to smite those followers of Chaos and the Gryph-stalker can even use its abilities to draw lifeforce and gift it to the rider. This bird is most definitely the word.

The Lord-Vigiliant is backed up by the Lord-Veritant who has a burning hatred of everything Chaos.

Lord-Veritant - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Lord-Veritant // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

This is another example of the Stormcast Eternals getting something of a glow-up with the new edition of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. The Lord-Veritant carries a flame-wreathed blade and can break curses with the staff they carry. The Lord-Veritant is joined by a Gryph-crow and both find themselves treading into the darkest places of The Mortal Realms to destroy the followers of Chaos.

Lord-Veritant Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Lord-Veritant (Details) // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Sticking with the grim vibes of the new Ruination Chamber coming to the Stormcast Eternals, we have the Lord-Terminos.

Lord-Terminos - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Lord-Terminos // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The Lord-Terminos is a grim figure, blighted by their own troubles as they have been reforged too many times. They now head into battle, backed up by their Memorian Squire who helps anchor them to reality. They carry massive axes which can be used to destroy the enemies of Sigmar but also cleave the heads of soul-stricken Stormcast Eternals who "voluntarily enter oblivion". A brutal end  I'm sure you'll agree!

Last but not least when it comes to characters in the new set, we have the new Knight-Questor who has been charged by Sigmar to undertake some great challenge.

Knight-Questor - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Knight-Questor // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The Knight-Questor was first seen as part of The Silver Tower and then a band of Thunderstrike armoured warriors made their way into the heart of Ghur with Warcry. Now, a new Knight-Questor is heading out to bring down Skaven warlords and unearth ancient artefacts in the name of the forces of Order.

Knight-Questor Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Knight-Questor (Details) // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

I think this particular miniature is possibly my favourite from the new set. I really like the storytelling on show as the Knight-Questor seeks out some ancient ruins and using his torch, wanders deeper into the dark in search of whatever evil dwells below. A great miniature for those wanting to snap up a new miniature for Soulbound, the roleplaying game.

New Stormcast Eternals Troops

In addition to the brand-new heroes, we also have the rest of the miniatures that make up the set. The Stormcast Eternals are made up of a blend of the Warrior Chamber and the Ruination Chamber. We've seen a lot of these miniatures before as part of early previews starting with the Reclusians.

Reclusians #1 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Reclusians // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Reclusians #2 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Reclusians #3 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The Reclusians are anchored to The Mortal Realms by their Memorians, mortals who were once linked to their lives before they became Stormcast Eternals. It's a grim job but it's a good way of keeping these killing machines mildly on task in the heart of battle.

More elite miniatures come in the form of the new-look Prosecutors. These winged warriors have had an update in style and wear the new Thunderstrike armour crafted by Grungni.

Prosecutors #1 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Prosecutors // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Prosecutors #2 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Prosecutors #3 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The sunburst design of their wings has been changed to a ripple of flame and don't fear, they can also wear their helmets if you'd prefer to keep them as faceless killers. I am very happy that the connection to the base is a lot more stable and the wings are going to be far easier to paint.

Last but not least, we have a whole bunch of Liberators, again clad in Thunderstrike armour and making up the core of your force. If you already have Liberators then you can obviously use them in your games but this is a brand new design. Take a look at all the versions that Games Workshop previewed...

Liberators #1 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Liberators // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Liberators #2 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Liberators #3 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Liberators #4 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Liberators #5 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

There are some great options for you to choose from as part of the set and I like that you've got both helmeted and unhelmeted options. I still don't like the nose guard on their helmets but that could easily be solved with a knife! You don't have to worry about arming them with twin weapons or hand weapons and shields now either so just have fun when building your force. You will have to choose who gets the great weapon though!

What do you make of the new Stormcast Eternals for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar? Let me know if you have any favourites in the comments below...

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"What do you make of the new Stormcast Eternals for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar?"

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