Community Spotlight: Arthurians, Conquest Ghols & Bauhaus Imperial Guard

May 15, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Arthurian Cavalry by necron099

We start off this week's Community Spotlight with a look at what necron099 has been doing when it comes to the Spring Clean Hobby Challenge. They decided to dig out some of their older Wargames Foundry Arthurian miniatures that have been sitting in their pile of potential. They are now getting painted up and introduced to the tabletop.

Arthurian Cavalry #2 by necron099

Rescued from eBay and then sitting in a pile for a while, they are now getting some much-needed love and attention. They were a job lot that were effectively darkly painted and covered in just red paint. Now, all of the details have been added into the mix and even a lovely bit of freehand to make these miniatures pop like Lancelot above.

Arthurian Cavalry #3 by necron099

necron099 has been going through how each of these miniatures has been brought back to life. There is a little description of how they started out and what was done to make them pop. In some cases, this is the addition of a weapon or spear or a bit of a rework in the scheme. I think it's great to see these different characters returning and hopefully, they'll get some time on the battlefield soon.

Arthurian Cavalry #1 by necron099

As you can see, the collection is looking rather awesome now. I really like the different characters and how Arthur himself has come to life as well. He is painted very much in line with the feel of him from the Bernard Cornwell novels which is good to see. I am hoping to see more coverage of the process by which these all came back to life. A good use of your Spring Clean Hobby Challenge time!


Conquest Ghols by chaosgorka

Next up, we're seeing chaosgorka dive into an exploration of the newest Conquest army, the Sorcerer Kings. chaosgorka has been working on painting up some of the Ghols from their army, flame-wreathed creatures from the void that will be there to burn your enemies to cinders.

Ghols #1 by chaosgorka

I think chaosgorka has done a superb job with these miniatures. As is the way with a lot of chaosgorka's work, it's good to see that very bright pop of colour. In this case you get it from the blue but also those very, very vibrant flames.

Ghols #2 by chaosgorka

The larger miniatures from Conquest give you a chance to really show off and I think you can see that here with the Ghols for the Sorcerer Kings. I like that the flame has been shown blasting out of pretty much every rent in their bodies. The touch of that ancient/regal gold on their bodies helps to match them with the rest of the Sorcerer Kings and you've got little narrative touches that hint as to their backstory.

Ghols #3 by chaosgorka

When assembled as a full regiment, they look fantastic. This is a great look at the starting point for chaosgorka and I would hope that we'll see more of this Sorcerer Kings army pop up as the project grows. Make sure to check out the project and follow it to see more updates.


Bauhaus Imperial Guard by zoidpinhead

Last but not least, we're looking at the development of an army for Warhammer 40,000 using Warzone and Bauhaus as inspiration. zoidpinhead is looking to bring their Mordian Imperial Guard to life but with a theme that is inspired by Bauhaus from Warzone. A good mix!

Bauhaus Imperial Guard #1 by zoidpinhead

One of the miniatures that drew me to this project was this. Based on the artwork for the Mounted Venusian Ranger, zoidpinhead has painted up this miniature to act as a commander in their Imperial Guard army. It's so good to see that original feel to the artwork bleed through into the miniature and I liked seeing the process of how this OLD miniature got brought to life for a new game.

Bauhaus Imperial Guard #2 by zoidpinhead

With that in mind, the Mordians all got painted up as you can see here. They look superb with their trousers in two different colours and that royal blue coat that they are wearing. Match that with those gorgeous details like the gold trim and the facial details and you've got the makings of a fantastic army that blends together two good Sci-Fi wargames.

Bauhaus Imperial Guard #3 by zoidpinhead

As well as the Mordians, zoidpinhead has also been working at adding some bigger vehicles and such into the mix as well. Some hefty Grizzly Tanks from the last days of Warzone: Resurrection are also going to be added into this army to provide it with some heavy armour.

A fantastic project that shows off what you can do when you dive into the backlog and start drawing things together to make new projects a reality.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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