All New Skaven Miniatures For Warhammer Age Of Sigmar!

May 17, 2024 by brennon

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Games Workshop revealed some of the brand new miniatures coming to the Skaven forces swarming into The Mortal Realms as part of the new edition of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar and the new Skaventide launch box. Let's dive in and sneak-sneak a look at the new rat things!

Clawlord on Gnaw-beast - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Clawlord on Gnaw-beast // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

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Leading the way from the back of an absolutely ruined beast we have the Clawlord. Armed with a fearsome warpstone weapon and clad in heavy armour, this is going to be a fearsome addition to your Skaven armies. He also comes with a repeating pistol which allows him to shoot his enemies if they are perhaps a little too much to handle. Best to shoot first and answer claims of your cowardice later.

Clawlord on Gnaw-beast Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Clawlord on Gnaw-beast (Details) // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The first thing that struck me with the new Skaven miniatures is that they are very similar in detail to the Kruleboyz available in Dominion. The Stormcast are going to be your easy-to-paint entry into Warhammer Age Of Sigmar and the Skaven are for those who want a bit more of a challenge. You could probably do a great job with washes and technical paints on these though to hide any errors during your painting.

The Clawlord is then followed into battle by one of the best Skaven miniatures I've seen in a long while. The new Grey Seer miniature is stunning and I really like all of the callbacks to classic Skaven designs, especially with the weapon this critter is holding.

Grey Seer - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Grey Seer // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The last of the characters getting added into the mix is the Warlock Engineer which we've seen in previews before. Whilst the Grey Seers now seem to be the spellcasters of the Skaven, the Warlock Engineers have become the tinkerers. I still don't like that the Warlock Engineer isn't as crackpots as they have been in the past but maybe we'll get some different miniatures in the future.

Warlock Engineer - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Warlock Engineer // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

All in all, some nice new characters for the Skaven and some good painting opportunities for you to delve into. I say again, the Grey Seer is my favourite and both he and the Knight-Questor from the Stormcast Eternals are my stand-out miniatures from the set currently.

Clan Moulder & Clan Skryre Have Fun!

Clan Moulder and Skryre have been having some fun when it comes to their additions to the Skaven swarm. Moulder has been breeding some seriously brutal new Rat Ogors who are going to batter their way through enemy lines. They have rippling, warp-infused muscles and all sorts of strange weapons to do so.

Rat Ogors #1 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Rat Ogors // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Rat Ogors #2 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Rat Ogors #3 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The Rat Ogors have a variety of different options for you to choose from when it comes to arming and armouring your muscle. You can go with warpfire guns or just give them massive blades for turning Stormcast Eternals into motes of lightning.

If you're looking for something dangerous to use and exceptionally fun at the same time, you can also get your hands on the Ratling Warpblaster.

Ratling Warpblaster - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Ratling Warpblaster // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

This clanking contraption is going to roll across the battlefield looking to turn your enemies into mincemeat with as many bullets as possible. I would hope that in true Skaven style, it has a very good chance of blowing up and killing as many of your own troops as your foes.

Ratling Warpblaster Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Ratling Warpblaster (Details) // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The previously previewed Warplock Jezzails are also making an appearance in the new launch box for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. Why bother rushing into the heat of combat when you could hide at the back, taking out your enemies and sowing panic by murdering commanders?

Warplock Jezzails #1 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Warplock Jezzails // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Warplock Jezzails #2 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Warplock Jezzails #3 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

A solid showing from the different clans who are coming together to support the Skaven invasion of The Mortal Realms. This is a great look at the changing style of the Skaven in the new edition and what we can expect when more of the Skaven are updated. I am very intrigued to see what they do for Clan Eshin!

A Mass Of Clanrats!

No army of Skaven would be complete without a huge amount of Clanrats. The new launch box comes with forty of these scheming murderers, enough to flood the battlefield and get a real sense of that swarm looking to drown the forces of Order with the weight of numbers. See what you think of them...

Skaven Clanrats #1 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Skaven Clanrats // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Skaven Clanrats #2 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Skaven Clanrats #3 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Skaven Clanrats #4 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Skaven Clanrats #5 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Skaven Clanrats #6 - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

As a bonus for someone trying to work out how long it is going to take to build and paint all of those Skaven, you'll be happy to know that the Clanrats at least are going to be easy to build. They are all two-piece miniatures so you just push them together, add a bit of glue and away you go.

Do you have some favourites from this new wave of Skaven miniatures? Drop your thoughts below...

"The new Grey Seer miniature is stunning..."

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