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Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

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My First Battletech Event: The War Of 3039

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So one of my hobby goals for the new year was to get out and actually play games with folks (the current global crisis not withstanding..). To that end I’ve signed myself up to the next Battletech weekend being run by Crow Industries & Factorum at the end of February, a narrative event set during the War of 3039 between the Draconis Combine and Federated Commonwealth.

Going off the rules packet it seems like it should be a fun, casual event for newbies (waves hand) and veteran players alike. I even whipped together a force list and got it approved (shout out to John at Crow Industries for verifying my list over the weekend):

My First Battletech Event: The War Of 3039

Front row left to right;

  • Centurion
  • Wolfhound
  • Commando
  • Phoenix Hawk

Back row left to right:

  • Black Knight
  • Highlander
  • Wolverine

I think this gives me a good spread of durability and firepower in all weight classes, with jump-capable ‘mechs in each lance offering maneuverability options even if overall most of the chasssis I’ve gone for are a tad slower overall. I think the ability to tank punishment will be handy given how the weekend is being organised for any damage that completely blows though armour and/or structure to carry over between games. Most importanly though what faction to go for? Well I’ve decided I’m going to paint these in the distinctive red & black livery of the legendary Kell Hounds mercenary regiment, so I think a visit to the Camospecs website and some Battletech painters Youtube channels will be in order.

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