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Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

Let's talkabout 'Mechs bay-bee

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Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5

So took a big step today and primed my first models in nearly two and a half years, hitting my force for The War of 3039 with Wraithbone, as well as spraying some extra mechs whilst I was at it.


I’m thinking of using this colour scheme for the Kell Hounds: : so red on the head, torso, shoulders, lower arms & lower legs, with black on the upper arms, lower torso & legs from the knees up. With Wraithbone as a base, I’m thinking of hitting each model with an initial pre-shade of Nuln Oil, then Blood Angels and Black Templar Contrast paints.

Now, I will freely admit that this is my first time using Contrasts, so if anyone has any advise or tips they would like to offer before i start tomorrow, it will all be greatly appreciated 🙂



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Cult of Games Member

With contrasts either work from your lightest colour to your darkest (so the dark colour can cover previous mistakes easily) or use your undercoat colour to fix any mistakes after each colour has dried before moving on to the next colour. I don’t think you need the initial preshade with nuln oil. Blood Angels and Black Templar are good enough at shading.

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