Resolution 2022: Hobby Bingo!
Blood Angels Engineer and Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought (20 points)
For many years Blood Angels were the only thing I painted, but it seems I painted my last batch just before the project system went live, so I’ve never covered them on OTT.
Having just finished watching Angels of Death on Warhammer+ I really wanted to paint up an Engineer and Dreadnought. I already own several “normal” dreadnoughts so I went for one of the Forge World dreadnoughts.
The models were undercoated with Army Painter Dragon Red Primer. I then applied a pin wash of carroburg crimson in the recesses of the armour plates. Then I highlighted the red areas wild rider red.
Areas that were to be painted silver later were then painted abaddon black, as was the Engineer’s joints.
Bone areas were painted zandri dust then highlighted ushabti bone.
Parchment areas were painted baneblade brown then highlighted rakarth flesh.
Wings were painted celestra grey then highlighted ulthuan grey.
Lenses were painted caliban green, highlighted moot green, then given a wash of beil-tan green.
Silver areas were painted leadbelcher then highlighted runefang steel.
Silver areas were basecoated zandri dust, then painted retributor armour, then highlighted auric armour gold followed by runefang steel.
Exhaust and flamer ends were drybrushed sycorax bronze followed by screaming bell.
The red teardrops were painted as for gold, above, then given a layer of spiritstone red.
The void shield nodes were painted as for silver, above, then given a layer of Army Painter Purple Tone.
The phosphex bombs were painted as for silver, above, then given a layer of soulstone blue.
Chipping on the dreadnought was achieved using wild rider red, followed by rhinox hide then adminstratum grey.
The bases were painted astrogranite, washed with nuln oil, then drybrushed with longbeard grey. The base rims were painted mechanicus standard grey. Finally the models were flocked a bit.
great work on your project an figures @danlee its going to be fun/hectic seeing what warren an the team come up with for their gamers bingo.