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Star Wars Rebels Painting

Star Wars Rebels Painting

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The assain

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I just finished cassion andor, I primed him with AP Uniform Grey spray

His jacket was painted VJ German Grey, and then drybrushed with AP Viking Blue

His glove,  fur and sewing was painted with AP Skeleton Bones

His hair, beard And shoes was painted VJ German Brown

His backpack and belt was painted AP Leather Brown

The gun and metal parts was painted with VJ German Grey mixed 1 to 1 with Gunmetal Grey and then highlighted with AP Plate Mail silver

The skin was painted AP Elf flesh

The tube on the backpack is painted AP viking blue

The whole model beside the skin and the fur is was washed in GW nuln oil.

The fur was washed in GW Artharx EarthshadeThe skin was washed in Serphia Sepia

The assain
The assain

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