Resolution 2022: Hobby Bingo!
Livana, Alvara and Celestria (50 points)
The last three 75mm models from the Bella Nacht kickstarter (https://bellanacht.com/characters/). All three have a similar theme so I decided to paint them as if they are three cursed sisters.
The skin was all painted rakarth flesh, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted flayed one flesh followed by pallid wych flesh.
Hair was painted corvus black, highlighted mechanicus standard grey, then washed nuln oil.
The stones were painted mechanicus standard grey, washed agrax earthshade, then highlighted dawnstone.
The skulls, bone, and horns were painted zandri dust, washed seraphim sepia then highlighted ushabti bone followed by screaming skull.
The red clothing was painted mephiston red, washed carroburg crimson, then highlighted evil sunz scarlet followed by wild rider red.
The pink clothing was painted screaming skull, washed druchii violet, then highlighted pink horrowfollowed by emperor’s children.
The purple clothing was painted naggaroth night, washed druchii violet, then highlighted xereus purple followed by genestealer purple.
For the white dress I wanted to achieve a transparent effect, so I had painted the areas with skin beneath as skin, above, and the areas with rock underneath as rock, above. I then mixed white scar and lahmium medium 50:50 and used it to paint the clothing. This attained a nice transparent effect where the skin or rock beneath the clothes was visible. I then applied a second coat and largely ruined the effect. I’ll know better for next time.
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