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Hunting in the Darkness - KD:M

Hunting in the Darkness - KD:M

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11 Feb 22: Return to the Canopy

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6
I was dissatisfied with the leaf situation, old on the right, new on the leftI was dissatisfied with the leaf situation, old on the right, new on the left

I’d wanted the colour on the leaves to be stronger, even at the beginning. To brighten it up I overbrushed with Celestra Grey, then came back in with the Vallejo Red Black as a drybrush.
It was more pink, so I went over again with a drybrush of Vallejo Gory Red. It’s better, but I’m still not 100% satisfied. Comment below if you have any suggestions!

13 Feb 22: The other thing that bothered me about the leaves was...

the fact that they’re also growing halfway up the tree trunk. Leaves don’t do that (usually). I went back to the original art and saw that it’s actually supposed to be another plant growing up around the tree. Acanthus most likely. So now when I looked at the miniature again, I could see the stalks of the plant growing up out of the ground. I thought about ignoring it, but I couldn’t.
I got stuck on the colour for a bit, got some opinion from someone for options. I went with green. In the end I was glad I did.

Old Citadel Ork Flesh and highlighted with Goblin Green.

11 Feb 22: Return to the Canopy

Also complete here is the base. I had to touch up the edges with some Gesso primer as I’d rubbed right down to the plastic in spots. Recoated with black. Drybrushed with GW Dawnstone and given a brown wash. Then carefully highlighted with Celestra Grey and finally Skeleton Bone.

11 Feb 22: Return to the Canopy

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rayzryrdanlee Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Perhaps a red or pink glaze would make the leaves pop more?

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