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Marvel: Crisis Protocol

Marvel: Crisis Protocol

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Honey Badger don't give a damn.

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Honey BadgerHoney Badger

Painting Honey Badger was one of those experiences that makes me feel like I’ve really come a long way as a painter because she’s a bunch of white, black, grey and yellow, which are colors that can be really difficult to paint and I’ve had to grapple with those so many times now and finally gotten to a place of comfort doing so that I just approached painting her with a color by numbers, knock out the steps mindset. I think had I done that same thing with her a couple years ago she’d be a pretty horrendous paint job, but instead I think she looks pretty good. Nothing to win a competition with or anything, but a very suitable paint job that I will be happy to play with. I was also able to knock her out the same time I painted X-23, so in the course of like 6 or so hours I knocked out two models to a good tabletop quality, all while binging some good TV. Not a bad day.

The photos didn’t capture it, but she is one of my better faces, which I’m especially proud of because of how unbelievably tiny her model is. The amount of detail I was able to fit in was really impressive to me. The only thing I look at while I write this and think “it’s not quite there yet” is her blades. I tried to do a general NMM with some sky reflection in them, but there’s so little blade to work with that I honestly have no idea how to effectively do that. I’m not certain what I did sells it correctly. That being said, it’s such a small area I’m not sure it matters.

Honey Badger don't give a damn.

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