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Annihilation Looms

Annihilation Looms

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Imperial Forces

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 10

Imperial Forces

We had decided to play a Rogue One themed battle. Taking the role of Imperials, I would be using Director Krennic as my Commander, along with his unit of Death Troopers. While this combination is thematic, the synergy between Krennic and the Death Troopers make them a natural addition when fielding him. Two units of Shoretroopers and their accompanying Mortar teams would flesh out the core of my lists. This would give me a decent amount of range four firepower and the ability to dish out a lot of suppression.

Imperial Forces

I was conscious that my army was looking pretty static so I added two units of Speeder Bikes along with a Scout squad and a Scout Sniper Team. The scouts would give me the option to push a couple of units up the table on deployment, should the objective call for it. The bikes would provid some manoeuvrability to harass the enemy line.

Imperial Forces

I still had 140 points to spend and considered my usual strategy of fielding an Operative such as Fett or Bossk.

However I wanted to try a more stripped down list and figured that for the same cost I could add two basic units instead. I would keep my unit upgrades minimal and aim to out activate the Rebels. With this in mind I opted for a unit of Snow Troopers (rebranded hazardous environment troopers), armed with a flamethrower, who would be good for objective grabbing or engaging any close assault units. This left enough points to bring the accompanying E-Web blaster team, to bolster my defensive line.

Imperial Forces

Points: 800

Activations: 12


* Director Orson Krennic [75]


* Shoretroopers [52]

Targeting Scopes [4], T-21B Trooper [32]

* Shoretroopers [52]

Targeting Scopes [4], T-21B Trooper [32]

* DF-90 Mortar Trooper [38]

* DF-90 Mortar Trooper [38]

* Snowtroopers [44]

Flametrooper [20]

Special Forces

* Imperial Death Troopers [72]

E-11D Config [0], Overwatch [4], DLT-19D Trooper [34]

* Scout Trooper Strike Team [20]

DLT-19x Sniper [28]

* Scout Troopers [48]


* 74-Z Speeder Bikes [70]

* 74-Z Speeder Bikes [70]

* E-Web Heavy Blaster Team [55]

Linked Targeting Array [5], Barrage Generator [3]

Command Cards

[1 pip] Voracious Ambition

[1 pip] Covert Observation

[2 pip] Deploy the Garrison

[2 pip] Push

[3 pip] Annihilation Looms

[3 pip] Coordinated Fire

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graystoaksundancerzorgAndrew Morris Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Hands down golden button for me no doubt at all. Wonderful work ?

Cult of Games Member

Ooh nice one @graystoak fab work on your project figures an terrain for the table an well worth a gold button for that.

Cult of Games Member

2022-10-18 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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