Resolution 2022: Hobby Bingo!
Kratos Bust (210 points)
For the central “any” box I wanted to do something special. I’ve never painted a bust, so I printed off a bust of Kratos from God of War. I’ve always liked the character from all the way back in God of War on Playstation 2.
The model was undercoated chaos black. Throughout the model each colour has had several base coats applied, and then subsequent layers were a succession of blends through the colours stated.
The skin used rakarth flesh, flayed one flesh and pallid wych flesh.
The scars were picked out with reikland fleshshade.
His hair and the fur were painted with mournefang brown, nuln oil, and ulthuan grey highlights.
His eyes were painted screaming skull with zamesi desert irises and the pupils were drawn on with a technical pen.
I used a mix of pink horror and the remaining flesh tone on my palette for his lips and nipple.
The leather was painted with steel legion drab, agrax earthshade, tallarn sand and karak stone.
The folded hide on his back used xv-88, agrax earthshade and balor brown.
The metals were painted with leadbelcher and runefang steel.
His tattoos were painted with evil sunz scarlet.
His plinth was painted abaddon black and dawnstone was used to paint its cracks.
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