Resolution 2022: Hobby Bingo!
Fantasy kitbash (270 points)
Kitbashing isn’t a part of the hobby that particularly appeals to me. Its only in the bingo sheet because I took the GW sheet and just made it system agnostic.
Over the years I’ve always clipped leftover parts off their sprues and stored them. At the moment I have 6kg of plastic bits. I thought this would be easy – but when I got started I found I had few parts to form the core of a model.
For the first kitbash I wanted to do a fantasy character. I had plenty of spare kingdom death models and I made slight change by switching the torso for a GW vampire in a corset.
The model was undercoated zandri dust.
The skin was painted bugman’s glow then highlighted cadian fleshtone followed by kislev flesh.
The armour was painted leadbelcher then highlighted ironbreaker followed by runefang steel.
The hair was painted mephiston red and then highlighted evil sunz scarlet followed by wild rider red.
The sleeves were highlighted ushabti bone followed by screaming skull.
Then the whole model was washed seraphim sepia.
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