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From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

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Monster Hunters Inc. - ‘The Brawn’…

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Monster Hunters Inc. - ‘The Brawn’…
‘Timothy’ Mini chosen Reaper Miniatures Metal SKU:02785 Sabertooth Tiger Man sculpted by Jason Wiebe with metal base removed and mounted on a 40mm lipped Fenris Dungeon base. Little Tim found out that he was cursed when he was bitten by a lycanthrope ten years ago. Fed up with ripping his clothes every time he changes, Timothy prefers loose clothing and is armed with a huge blade and a revolutionary machine gun (GW Ork conversion bit). ‘Timothy’ Mini chosen Reaper Miniatures Metal SKU:02785 Sabertooth Tiger Man sculpted by Jason Wiebe with metal base removed and mounted on a 40mm lipped Fenris Dungeon base. Little Tim found out that he was cursed when he was bitten by a lycanthrope ten years ago. Fed up with ripping his clothes every time he changes, Timothy prefers loose clothing and is armed with a huge blade and a revolutionary machine gun (GW Ork conversion bit).
‘Doktor Hans Blut’ Mini chosen Reaper Miniatures Black Plastic SKU:44028 Torlan sculpted by Jason Wiebe mounted on a 50mm plain lipped base with green stuff. The good Doktor mistakenly consumed the output from his chemical laboratory experiment when he misplaced his spectacles at tea time. The outcome of this error from such an esteemed scientist was to turn the slender old man into the crocodilian behemoth to which he has been forced to remain. Hopefully his old partner, Mac will find a cure, but in the meantime he will help in the hunting of the horrors in this world…‘Doktor Hans Blut’ Mini chosen Reaper Miniatures Black Plastic SKU:44028 Torlan sculpted by Jason Wiebe mounted on a 50mm plain lipped base with green stuff. The good Doktor mistakenly consumed the output from his chemical laboratory experiment when he misplaced his spectacles at tea time. The outcome of this error from such an esteemed scientist was to turn the slender old man into the crocodilian behemoth to which he has been forced to remain. Hopefully his old partner, Mac will find a cure, but in the meantime he will help in the hunting of the horrors in this world…
The ensemble… painted in my usual dry brush and wash techniques using the same palette of paints that spread across my messy workbench. The ensemble… painted in my usual dry brush and wash techniques using the same palette of paints that spread across my messy workbench.
@Lloyd Shot…@Lloyd Shot…

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