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Not Brother Lloyd's Kroot Army - It's Mine

Not Brother Lloyd's Kroot Army - It's Mine

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Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Yep, That's Me Shaper Lloyd Yep, That's Me Shaper Lloyd
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Record Scratch
Yep, That’s Me Shaper Lloyd on the space hulk Gallowdark You’re Probably Wondering how I got into this mess right ?
Well we need to go back to the start. EGG. Okay maybe not the very start lets go back to my home world Perch but fast forward to the start of the problems.
Oh right Perch erm we are going to need to a board and some terrain then to start with.
Narrative Build Project
This project rather more than a straight forward buy models, build models and paint models I want to try a different approach a narrative build as I call it. As we have a narrative game in which you tell a story through the battlefield this is aiming to tell a story through the build process. That of humble Kroot Shaper and the events he goes through. I dont have a plan or an end goal no story written down just ideas and concepts, a direction of travel.
The purpose is to use this as a driving force to complete hobby projects building and painting models, playing games to give me focus and purpose in the hobby which I often lack. You will have to excuse me if at times the progress is slow and the story will take time to progress if a lot of painting is required. However I will provide updates on the h0bby progress at least.
Which brings me to the first topic the world of Perch. That will be the starting location of this adventure and the first Hobby task to build a board for the world of Perch.

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