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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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42 MTG: Stuffed Fables Progress

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

For the past few months I’ve been trying to get at least one model finished each week.  I have failed at that this week, but I’m giving myself a pass.  Stuffed Fables turned up a few hours short of a week ago and contains 23 models.  Most of it is a few minutes work away from being ready to varnish.  The rest should only take a few hours.  One more day free and the whole box will be varnished and table ready.

There are 7 missions in the box, and a free print and play one on the website.  The box says it takes 1-2 hours to play a mission.  That’s a max of 16 hours table time.  It didn’t seem sensible spending 2+ times that painting it up so I’ve been using quick methods and trying out new quick ideas that have had some successes and not got the best results in some cases.  The guys with holes in their chests and the green gorilla were primed and then glazed with 1-3 coats of washes and inks only.  The art has them in faded pastel colours.  I don’t have the right paints for that, at least without spending forever on them, so I though I’d try glazing only and let the zenithal undercoat fade the colours for me.  It looks fine enough for most of the little guys, but their purple heads and the gorilla can look blotchy.  It’s good enough for this project though, especially when you factor in that a 5 and 3 year old will hopefully get their hands on this and get them all sticky and chipped.

I was also able to get in another game of Gloomhaven: JotL. That’s 12 missions out of the 25 in the box. I hope to have it finished before the new year. I may abandon that plan when KDM or ATO arrive.

42 MTG: Stuffed Fables Progress

While typing that I’ve just had notice that my KDM expansions will be delivered tomorrow.  Yay!  I need to get these guys done this weekend so I can start work on the good stuff.

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Cult of Games Member

Stuffed Fables looks cool – lovely brushwork.
Looking forward to seeing some more KD:M from you. I take it these are the general release expansions you ordered and not the Gambler’s Chest? Are we going to see that this year do you think? Despite the best of intentions Poots appears to be on his own version of time management again. At least the product is top quality when it delivers. I don’t know about you but I’m worn out from getting excited and frustrated at the same time 😀

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