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Dungeon Saga - Core

Dungeon Saga - Core

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8 Nov 21: One shot Zombies

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

I was advised that, for an upcoming one-shot Steve was going to run, it would be good to have a few undead type creatures: Zombies, ghosts, skeletons etc. also a bunch of wizards.
I delved into Dungeon Saga for the source of the undead and got to quickly painting them.

Quick was the goal.

Mantic Armoured Zombies from DS. Different skin tones to try and differentiateMantic Armoured Zombies from DS. Different skin tones to try and differentiate

Also seen above: Nearly Naked Zombies, Regular Joe Zombies and the limited colour selection used to keep things focused and quick.

29 Nov 21: Zombies all dirtied up29 Nov 21: Zombies all dirtied up

9 Dec 21: I dunno... they're still zombies

Given that the Armoured Zombies are in uniform, I had to find another way to easily differ them for DS gameplay. They got some extra details you see. A couple of Citadel Technical paints and a little bit of basing. Now there’s Bloody Armoured Zombie, Mossy Armoured Zombie and Oozy Armoured Zombie. 😀

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rayzryrzorg Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Congratulations @rayzryr your game figures look fantastic.

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