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Anyone seen my Pachyderm

Anyone seen my Pachyderm

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Libyan Javelinmen

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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The last of the units I completed so far were the Libyan skirmishers that came in the Victrix Carthaginian pack.

These were straightforward to paint in undyed cloth and the flesh colour was the same as I used for the spearmen.

The tricky bit were the shields as for some reason I didn’t get the transfers (old age must be creeping in). For a couple I used some spare LBM transfers for the Numidian cavalry I have but had to cut these down. These were the giraffe and zebra shields (again I hate HD photos as the white showing on the edge of these shields doesn’t show that vividly on the actual figures and I am now going to have to revisit them to touch them up 😧😒).

For the rest to get the animal hide effect it was out with the cut down brush and stipple the colours on to try and get a reasonable effect that I am happy with.

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