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Collins builds the world of the walking dead

Collins builds the world of the walking dead

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Bring greenery and interest

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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two types of foam flock for grasstwo types of foam flock for grass
mixed herbs, birch seeds and broken up pine needles as the leaf littermixed herbs, birch seeds and broken up pine needles as the leaf litter
its looking better! not right yet though not enough visual interest or Easter eggsits looking better! not right yet though not enough visual interest or Easter eggs
the trees aren't finished yet, they'll get a post of their own when done.the trees aren't finished yet, they'll get a post of their own when done.

On the brown base paint I laid down a layer of PVA which had corse turf and fine turf (woodland scenics) sprinkled over it randomly but making sure to cover as much of the brown as possible.

To get the leaf litter I sprinkled over birch seeds, selectively placed mixed herbs (mostly on the joins and the corners of paving stones) and crushed up dried pine needles.

To seal it all down I spray watered down PVA over it all after pre-wetting with IPA. Takes a fair while to dry but does dry rock hard.

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