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A Fighting Fantasy Journey

A Fighting Fantasy Journey

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Book twenty seven: Star Strider

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9
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Back to a sci-fi with Lyke Sharps star strider although I don't understand the title. You play a rogue tracer who is a bounty hunter. It feels like someone didn't like that as a title. The cover by Alan Craddock also feels disjointed. Its from a very minor encounter and it feels as if the cover was done first and it was shoe horned in. At first glance the plot sounds fun with nods to escape from new York. Gromulans have kidnapped the Galactic President and you have to find him. You have so many hours to succeed with a ticking clock mechanic like an episode of 24. We also see the return of the fear stat as the Gromulans use illusions to scare folk. For some reason this book didn't work for me. Despite the race against time there's no sense of urgency Back to a sci-fi with Lyke Sharps star strider although I don't understand the title. You play a rogue tracer who is a bounty hunter. It feels like someone didn't like that as a title. The cover by Alan Craddock also feels disjointed. Its from a very minor encounter and it feels as if the cover was done first and it was shoe horned in. At first glance the plot sounds fun with nods to escape from new York. Gromulans have kidnapped the Galactic President and you have to find him. You have so many hours to succeed with a ticking clock mechanic like an episode of 24. We also see the return of the fear stat as the Gromulans use illusions to scare folk. For some reason this book didn't work for me. Despite the race against time there's no sense of urgency
Set on a future earth we spend a lot of time catching buses. We spend time in Madrid and Rome meeting tribes of hooligans are decended from football supporters. Being in Spain we get robot bulls so some funny moments.Set on a future earth we spend a lot of time catching buses. We spend time in Madrid and Rome meeting tribes of hooligans are decended from football supporters. Being in Spain we get robot bulls so some funny moments.
Would you buy a used zip car from this manWould you buy a used zip car from this man
Maths, I hate maths. This book seemed to have a lot if it.Maths, I hate maths. This book seemed to have a lot if it.
The Sci fi art by Gary Mayes is good. I like that some artists fit certain genres. Unfortunately for me the Sci fi books just don't hit the mark.  Maybeif they had all beenset in the same universe like most of the fantasy books to give them some continuity.The Sci fi art by Gary Mayes is good. I like that some artists fit certain genres. Unfortunately for me the Sci fi books just don't hit the mark. Maybeif they had all beenset in the same universe like most of the fantasy books to give them some continuity.

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I remember this one vaguely! Yeah I too wasn’t a fan of the Sci Fi books.

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