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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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Victrix Miniatures Late Saxon / Anglo Dane Huscarl

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4

I always enjoy painting Victrix models. They are characterful minis with great faces. My technique on this one was to (over a white undercoat) start with a base of Army Painter Barbarian Flesh. Then I washed the skin with an equal mix of an old GW Flesh Wash and Seraphim Sepia. The eyes are shaded with GW Rhinox Hide and then the whites of the eyes are painted in with GW Ulthuan Grey. Make sure you leave an outline of the brown paint. Pupils are then dotted in with Scale 75 Petroleum Grey.

The skin is them brightened with highlights of the original flesh colour and further highlights on extremities (chin , cheekbones, brow and nose etc) with this mixed with Vallejo Game Colour Pale Flesh. The teeth are picked out with Vallejo Ivory and the tongue with GW Mephiston Red. Colour under the cheeks and around the nose is added with a glaze of GW Screamer Pink. This colour is mixed with GW Bugman’s Glow for the lips. The variations in shine of the paint is then flattened with a brush applied matt varnish. I used Vallejo.

Victrix Miniatures Late Saxon / Anglo Dane Huscarl

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