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Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

Waaagh! It's Spring Clean 2023!

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Foot knight unit painted in the livery of Richard III

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3

The figures are designed to be mainly in combat poses. I added in arms and helmets from the other Perry Wars of the Roses boxed sets for added variety and to make a unique unit. I varied the armor colours from blackened metal to highly polished steel plate.  This was achieved by varying the base colours. I used Grey Knights Steel and Iron Hands Steel from GW, Plate Mail Metal from Army Painter and Duraluminium from Vallejo. The different effects were then achieved depending on the wash I used. For the less bright ‘silver’ paint I used thinned Carbon Black ink from Liquitex ( two coats) to create the blackened armor. For lower quality plate I used more diluted ink. The Grey Knights steel is bluish in tone and I used a mix of the black ink and Inktensity blue from Scale 75 as a wash. I deliberately varied the intensity for variety. For higher quality plate I used  a very diluted Inktense Violet which gave the armor a nice purple tint. All the figures were then highlighted with their original base colours. I used a thinned glaze consistency on upper armor surfaces and treated them as though I was using a simplified NMM technique. This is best used sparingly as the highlights really contrast with the darker areas of the armor and adds significantly to its shine. Final highlights using GW Stormhost Silver really makes the armor pop!  The flag I have used comes from the beautiful range by Petes Flags. This one is on their Richard III sheet and features his symbol the boar.

Foot knight unit painted in the livery of Richard III

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Cult of Games Member

Nice work.

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