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Spring Cleaning A Garden of Morr Then Expanding Upon It

Spring Cleaning A Garden of Morr Then Expanding Upon It

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The Chapel of Morr

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 8
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The Chapel of Morr

As previously mentioned I wanted a chapel to go with the Garden of Morr and to act as a centrepiece on the table. After looking around on the internet I thought this kit from TTCombat would be very well suited.

I built it as per the instructions on the TTCombat website.
I used a sheet of 1mm plasticard for the base, using scissors to cut it to size then round the corners off. It was then stuck to the mdf with superglue.

I built up the base with cork and ready mixed filler and then sand in the same way as previous talked about. I then went through my bits box and added all sorts of things to make the chapel more in fitting with a Morr. I’m particularly happy with the railings taken from citadel chaos vehicle kits.

Now primed black then a heavy zenathal of grey the Stonework was painted and drybrushed in the exact same way as the tombs from the garden of Morr set using inexpensive artists acrylic from a tube.
The roofs, rust and skulls were also painted in the exact same way as for the garden of Morr. Indeed I looked up my earlier post to check for the colours for the roof.
I did make the main roof slightly bluer, as if it’s made from different materials.
I used Gor Grunta Fur for the wood colours and drybrushed it with a light beige for definition.

For the weathered bronze pieces on the tower I mixed a light green (Army Painter Scaly Hide) and light blue (Army Painter Wolf Grey) and added enough water to make a wash. This was painted over the stone colour to give these results.

Lastly was to add various tufts, static grass and a few leaves to round out the build.

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