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Digging out the Bunker!

Digging out the Bunker!

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Delays & Diversions

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Well the last couple of weeks have not gone to plan – at all!
Reason A.
Small person had a birthday! He’s officially 3 years older than he is in my head and goes from project to project faster than a .303 bookworm (Pratchett ref for anyone who’s interested) & had a small pile of presents to open which he did in the space I was working in due to –

Reason B.
The plague! Or at least a virus bug that’s swept through the family over the course of the week – we’ve all been very ill which as you might imagine has slowed my rate of being able to get out of bed – never mind tidying the room! Which has this morning lead to a bit of mental self medication in the form of –

Reason C.

Really wanted to paint something and the squat gang I had on the temp painting table wasn’t doing it for me at all – they got relegated to the pile of shame and the Urban mech off the reward stash got bumped up as I’d watched the 3-up bushwacker paint scheme (still on the want list as I spent so many hours in mech warrior 4 & mech commander messing with those!) & really really wanted to paint the little Urby! Being half fried the original thought (love bug scheme) was forgotten & he ended up getting a loosely-based-on-Berlin brigade scheme…

pretty happy with him tho 🙂

Delays & Diversions

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