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New 40k, New army

New 40k, New army

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Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So i just got home from crewing Empire Lrp. look it up its really interesting, even if its not your thing, just from a perspective of the world building.
Checked out the Weekend Extra. There was a golden button and were nice things were said.

In answer to a couple of questions.

* The acrylic sheets and pins for the floaty monoliths have turned up while i was away. Now i have to figure out how to cut acrylic sheet….. What i have realised is that i can use crackle paint on corners of them to hint that there is something corrupt about these geometric shapes.

* Its oil paint over white acrylic. Using mineral spirits as the meduim/solvent.

I wont get to much into it as you can watch some Marco Frisoni youtube videos to learn. (Heres a basic one

How i get the swirls is by layering the oils and then using mineral spirits to lift and move the paint till it looks the way I like. Its less about getting something that looks real and more focusing on getting something that looks good/interesting that fits the vibe you are going for.

* As to the art? Well growing up with dyslexia i found art as a way of communicating, i came to that through a book called Rat Spike by John Blanche and Ian Miller. They have both been a huge influence on my art along with folk like Rothko and Picasso. Recently John has in fact made a massive difference to my creative out put through being really supportive of me and my art. I take commissions lol

Again, i’m really passionate about communities that lift each other and this feels like one.

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