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Golden buttons, how i paint, next hellbrute and Blanche

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Golden buttons, how i paint, next hellbrute and Blanche

So i got a Golden Button. I saw it Sunday when i got back from crewing Empire LRP (3k people in a field).

So one of the things that came up in the video was what paint im using….

Its oil paints. How do i do it? Here we go.

Base coat with random white spray paint. Seriously, its whatever i have. Yeah i know….

Once thats down, its a coat of black oil paint. leave it, wipe it off. Thats the whites done. No really. To be fair theres more than that.

Once ive wiped it down i use a couple of umber oils paints thinned with mineral spirits. and push them around on the white sections to give some tonal depth and warmth.

Next up the pink sections. Those are just layers of red, pink and flesh tone oils built up on the mini. Then using mineral spirits to paint in swirls and lines to give a bit of texture to the paint.

The lights are just red, orange, yellow and flesh oil paints.

Its not acrylics 🙂

Golden buttons, how i paint, next hellbrute and Blanche

So this is the basis for the next Hellbrute. Its going to be a fist and power scourge brute. Im using the Necromunda floaty fish dude for it. Have i started making a prawn and octopi army?……

Ive drilled it out to fit guitar and bass strings (As a basist, bass is different!) and glued them in. This weekend i intend to get it done. I have however got end of year reports to write, i want to paint a canvas and spend some time with my amazing partner….so it may just get the whites done.

Land of the Marble HallsLand of the Marble Halls

I’ll be up front. In the write up on the golden button Blanche’s name popped up.

Not going to lie, I’ll take the name any where near me. But not for the reasons you would think.

As a kid, his and Ian Millars art got me into art. Their art defined my career as an art teacher, gave me my love of art. Chatting to my partner tonight she said that when i talk about art i have so much passion. They gave me that.

Also as a *mumble 47 mumble* year old, John has been incredibly kind and been really supportive of my art. Which has massively changed my output and shoved me to try to make art my main income…..As an artist hearing positives about your work spurs you on. Its why websites like this matter.

Its hard to say which piece of his work I love the most.

Amazonia Gothique change cover art forever. I use it in lessons when talking about feminist art.

The Sentinel. if you look at my sketch books, sub concisely that has stuck in. so many sketches of lone figures watching over a land scape.

Or the flying ships that my teen brain adored.

The pic i’ve stuck at the top is however the painting my friend Ian bought a print of for me because ‘It looks like your upside down head John’. Thankfully i have always adored it.

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