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Oldenheim - Oldhammer meets Mordheim!

Oldenheim - Oldhammer meets Mordheim!

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Year off... but still... Citadel War of the Roses

Tutoring 8
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Not really doing much on this project in 2023, needed a bit of time off from it but have completed one of the old Citadel C26 Men-at-Arms with pole arm. This range was allegedly the best selling of all the ranges in the mid-80s and its still available with Foundry at present.

The range has tons of variants for each pose and it’s a great War of the Roses or late Medieval range. It was handy for any generic human force in fantasy as well as being popular with historical gamers…

Year off... but still... Citadel War of the Roses

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