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Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

Manda (Amachan) goes to the Eastern Front

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Grimdark Cossacks

Tutoring 1
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Idea 1
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Everyone is directly going to call them grimdark so I’ll be ahead of everyone and call them grimdark Cossacks.

For the shading on my infantry, not just the Soviets I am planning on keeping it relatively simple, well simple for me. So I coated the models using MIG Neutral Wash (P222) and let that sit for a minute or so. Probably 5 to 10 minutes, didn’t count.

Grimdark Cossacks

And then using a wool dauber, just dry, nothing on it, I started rubbing over the model to remove some of the wash and this is the result.

Grimdark Cossacks
Grimdark CossacksGrimdark Cossacks

Now I was feeling that this was a little bit too dark, so I picked up the wool dauber and dampened it with some white spirit and gave them another quick rub and then dried them with a hairdryer. You’ll probably not notice the difference in the picture, but in real life it is significant.

Grimdark Cossacks

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